· R L · powell
· R L · powell [he :: they] is a writer of poetry, prose, & whatever happens to be between the two. Since the late 90s his work has appeared across a variety of publications, online and in print. At present, they're revising a memoir written in forms of verse, about illness; madness; getting wheeled around inside of hospitals; roadside slush; and the disordered condition of time. Its working title is Any Cure as Flat as Salt.
Their broader creative interests are less directly involved with issues of mental health and disability—but rather gravitate toward the surreal, the offbeat, and what is undeniably peculiar. Much of their passion for the English language is rooted in its poetic legacy—but · R L 's influences are diverse. They range from speculative traditions in fiction & film; to the philosophy of science and literature; contemporary cultural theory; in addition to memoir, and anything that happens to contain a whiff of the absurd.
· R L · specialized in English literature at the University of Toronto, with a minor in Paradigms & Archetypes—a off-beat program centered around critical theory, Jungian and psychoanalytic psychology. He was awarded his BA (Hons) with High Distinction, before moving on to earn his MA in English Language & Literatures from Queen’s University, Kingston.
Upon returning to the UofT, their reasearch focused on American modernism, the philosophy of science & literature, and epistemologies of reading. They also taught critical theory, American literature, and strategies of rhetoric & literary research at the undergraduate level. Though they parted ways with the doctoral program in English after qualifying ABD—he considers the passion he developed for teaching the greatest outcome of his Phd studies.
· R L · has transitioned to the MFA program in Writing and Literature at the Bennington Writing Seminars, with a specialty in poetry. He is also the founding editor of a new online journal, APROSEXIA LIT, showcasing the more distinct and idiosyncratic forms of creative work that originate from neurodiverse communities—which are chronically underrepresented in the traditional literary sphere.
· R L · is happy to answer any questions you may have about their work or ongoing projects—and he would like to remind you that you’re doing a magnificent job of being yourself.
:at; rl-powell "dot" com
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